The renovation will create a multifunctional space where workshops and meetings of various social projects can take place.
In addition, the radio station is to be expanded, which serves as an important tool for networking. A kitchen is also to be installed so that regular KüFa's can take place in the Torhaus.
The aim is to renovate the listed building carefully, energetically and sustainably.
The focus is on reducing CO2 emissions. During the conversion work, attention is also paid to resource conservation and protection.
The project "Energetic Redevelopment of the Torhaus" is funded by the Berlin Program for Sustainable Development (BENE) with funds from the European Fund for Regional Development and the State of Berlin (funding code 1334-B2-G).
Contributors: Ayosha Kortlang, Klara Bauer, Christof Vornhusen, Felix Wierschbitzki