Mobile FM

MOBILE FM is the outdoor frequency of THF Radio and Torhaus Berlin e.V.

On the air & on wheels mobile radio rolled to four different locations in the city for two weeks in the fall of 2021, spreading the practice of radio making.

MOBILE FM aims to amplify perspectives on developments and life in the city and make critical spatial practices audible. In addition to interactive radio formats, there were workshops, city tours and mapping. All shows can be found in the archive on Mixcloud.

The rolling radio station has rolled from the gatehouse to the surrounding neighborhoods.

In addition to music from the @thfradio community, there were interactive formats on Tempelhof Airport and the need for intersectional strategies by actors from Hangar X and Torhaus Berlin e.V. Furthermore, the Torhaus Kochkollektiv served up food.

Mobile FM was part of Draussenstadt and was funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe and the Foundation for Cultural Education and Cultural Consulting.

Planning Team: Carmen Carolina Staiano, Mona Saddei, Tomma Suki Hinrichsen, Serena Abbondaza, Ayosha Kortlang, Lena Wegmann, Charlotte Polak

Gatehouse Berlin

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