"Foot in the door"

"Foot in the Door" is a podcast by and for urban practitioners.

In 2021, the Council for the Arts launched an initiative with its working group Urban Practice, which works with Berlin artists* and urban activists in a network of Berlin-wide campus projects to demonstrate the field of cooperation and action "Urban Practice". 

In the first six broadcasts of "Foot in the Door" we had these campus projects as guests in the studio of THF Radio. In another six broadcasts, we then visited the campus locations of urban practice.

We have explored how the city and its urban life has changed over the past decades, what constitutes "urban practice" and how it contributes to the city remaining and becoming livable.

"Foot in the Door" is a production of the Initiative Urbane Praxis and is funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe as part of the DRAUSSENSTADT program.

Moderation: Tomma Suki Hinrichsen, Mona Saddei, Heimo Lattner

Research: Heimo Lattner

Production: Ayosha Kortlang (THF Radio)

You can find all episodes wherever there are podcasts.

Gatehouse Berlin

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